Dear Church Family,

As we gathered to pack Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes in September, we reminded the children that every box carried the voices of more than a dozen Sewickley UMC people singing, “Jesus loves you, and we love you.”

The Fellowship of the Cross would like to thank everyone who joined our chorus this year as we delivered 140 boxes for Jesus to share with His children.

We would like to thank everyone who donated shoe boxes, and Kara, Elliett, and Evarett for wrapping the boxes. We would like to thank everyone who donated school supplies, toys, caps, shirts, socks, stuffed animals, dolls, jewelry, toothbrushes, sunglasses, and other items. We would like to thank Pastor Hannah for her encouragement and for making time for our Christmas in July collection window. We would like to thank administrators Pam H. and Elizabeth P. for their energy and support. We would like to thank everyone who prayed over our boxes. We would like to thank everyone who offered financial support. We would like to thank Diane B. and the pumpkin patch team for helping share our boxes with the community, and for recognizing that Kalai had a story to share with all of us. We would like to thank the Burnett family for, as always, their help throughout the year and for making delivery day such an uplifting experience. We would like to thank Kalai for sharing her story in our worship services and reminding us that the love of Jesus packed in every box continues to resonate years later. The song never ends.

After 13 years, and more than 1,400 boxes, we are grateful for every opportunity to join with our church family to sing “Jesus loves you, and we love you” for children around the world.

Grace Rogansky
Pamela Mayo
Bill Utterback
The Fellowship of the Cross