An update about events for January: Unfortunately, we missed the registration deadline for Current. We are sad we will not be able to go, but we will make sure we keep an eye on the dates for next year. Instead, Winter Jam is coming back to Pittsburgh this year, so we are shifting directions and making plans to go! Winter Jam is a night of concerts with a variety of Christian bands spanning the full range of genres. It is the evening of Friday, January 19th. If you are interested in looking at the line-up, you can follow this link. If you would like to go to the concert, please let me know, so we can make car pool plans. Tickets are purchased at the door, so youth will need to bring $10 with them and then money for food, if they would like to get any. We also wanted to mention the Remind group! You can either click on this link, or you can text: “@sumc-youth” to 81010 to join. If you have any questions about this, please let Felicity know.