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Pride Celebration

Pride Celebration

Join us this Saturday, June 24th at 6:00 pm, for our annual Pride Celebration—a contemporary worship service featuring Leap of Faith and guest speaker Jeff Miller. A reception will follow at 7:00.

Relief Kits

Relief Kits

Help support Eastbrook Mission Barn, our Annual Conference UMCOR satellite, by purchasing items from its wish list or by donating money for Outreach to do your shopping.

Fourth Sunday Food Pantry

Fourth Sunday Food Pantry

Look for the cart on June 25th. Children are out of school for the summer—consider purchasing peanut butter, jelly, macaroni and cheese, juice, and other nutritious kid-friendly foods for June’s collection.

Relief Kits

Relief Kits

SUMC will be collecting items from Eastbrook Mission Barn’s wish list. Eastbrook operates a satellite UMCOR relief kit collection/distribution site.

Outreach Committee Meeting

In order to discuss upcoming outreach ministries, Outreach will meet on Sunday, May 7th, following the Traditional Worship Service. Light lunch will be provided. Whether you are an official committee member or an interested congregation member, you are encouraged to attend.