Sewickley United Methodist Church

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World Communion Sunday – October 6th – Special Offering

On this worldwide day of unity, the offering benefits World Communion Scholarships, the Ethnic Scholarship Program, and the Ethnic In-Service Training Program.  

As a small child, Mary Grace Galapon labored as a housemaid in exchange for food and clothing. Yet, allowed to attend church, she found hope. Offerings on World Communion Sunday have allowed this deaconess, of the Mindanao Philippines Annual Conference, to pursue an education that is now changing her community as she works to eliminate poverty.

Mary Grace’s work, and the impact of hundreds more like her, are possible because you give.

Will you give generously on World Communion Sunday to make education and vocational impact possible for more students, like Mary Grace? Will you equip gifted and qualified students from around the globe to become the world-changers God created them to be?

Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”  And because the people of The United Methodist Church believe that all of God’s children have been created and gifted to build the kingdom Jesus ushered in, we’re resourcing them to do just that. Because of your giving on World Communion Sunday, the most powerful tool to change the world is in more hands.

Please give generously to this special offering, which often enables first-generation students to attend college. You may use the special envelope or EasyTithe (choose “World Communion”).