Memorials pop up along the highways that mark tragic events. The memorials are erected to remember lives lost. This Easter Sunday, we will look at Easter through the eyes of Jesus’ mother Mary. Erecting memorials were important to Mary’s

Memorials pop up along the highways that mark tragic events. The memorials are erected to remember lives lost. This Easter Sunday, we will look at Easter through the eyes of Jesus’ mother Mary. Erecting memorials were important to Mary’s people. They had a history of marking places in order to remember. Did Mary ever consider making a memorial to remember her son? There is but one memorial needed as we celebrate the living Christ. I invite you to come as we explore what that memorial is.


   Are you one who always follows the laws and rules? Is there ever a time to break the laws and rules in order to be Christ like? Come and hear what Jesus says about rules.  Photo by Steve Rotman

Are you one who always follows the laws and rules? Is there ever a time to break the laws and rules in order to be Christ like? Come and hear what Jesus says about rules.


   Have you ever found yourself moaning and groaning, grumbling and complaining, maybe even wondering when life throws you a curve ball… ‘Is God with me or not?’ If you have, you are not alone. Come this Sunday as we explore what it is we ex

Have you ever found yourself moaning and groaning, grumbling and complaining, maybe even wondering when life throws you a curve ball… ‘Is God with me or not?’ If you have, you are not alone. Come this Sunday as we explore what it is we expect from God and what God has to say about those expectations.