We have a “WISH BOARD” in the Simpson Room. The Witness Committee and friends hosted a booth at Pittsburgh Pride for two days and asked visitors to write their wishes upon paper stars. We let them know we cared about the concerns they carry in their hearts, and they shared their hope—personal and global, heartfelt and humorous—with us. We gathered more than 100 stars on the first day and collected dozens more on the second day.

The Fellowship of the Cross has posted those stars on the bulletin board near the windows in the Simpson Room. We want everyone to have the opportunity to see into the hearts of our LBGTQAI+ siblings and perhaps lift a prayer. Pastor Hannah suggests that each of us choose two of the wishes and carry them in our hearts throughout Pride month. Thank you for joining us in this ministry opportunity.

If you have something you would like us to pray into this month, write your wish upon one of the paper stars we’ve left near the bulletin board and then post it. We will find it.