Sewickley United Methodist Church

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Youth Group

We had such a fun time at our PJ Party in November, and we are so excited for our Christmas Party Sunday, December 17th, from 12:00 to 2:00, right after the Birthday Breakfast for Jesus! We will gather everyone from the Simpson Room and head downstairs to the Youth Room. Get your decorating skills ready for our Sugar Cookie Competition as well as other games! Felicity also wanted to let you know that she has started a Remind group for us. Many of our QV families are familiar with this, but if you are not, this is a way that she can send updates over text as well as allowing you (youth or parent) to message her in a safe and documented way. I would highly encourage all parents and youth with phones to join this group! You can either click on this link, or you can text "@sumc-youth" to 81010. Hope to see you this Sunday!