We’re nearing the finish line for our 2023 Operation Christmas Child campaign.

Pastor Hannah will bless our boxes during worship services on Nov. 19, and the Fellowship of the Cross will deliver them to a regional drop-off center later in the day. This is our 13th year participating in Operation Christmas Child, and the SUMC family has filled more than 100 boxes a year for 12 consecutive years. Our boxes have blessed children in Ukraine, as well as multiple countries in Africa, South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. If you are still seeking a way to contribute to this year’s campaign, the Fellowship of the Cross has not yet reached its fundraising goal. Each box carries a $10 shipping fee. Contributions can be presented through any of the SUMC giving/offering windows. Gifts should be designated for Fellowship of the Cross or Operation Christmas Child.

For more information, contact Bill Utterback, Pamela Mayo, or Grace Rogansky. The Fellowship of the Cross is thankful for everyone in our church family and community who contributed to our OCC campaign