Our church is alive with the love of Jesus, and we are growing! 15 new members have joined the church in the last year. Our doors are open to everyone as we live out God’s extravagant love. We are in ministry to those in our local community and beyond, reaching and helping people around the world. Children and youth are engaging in new and existing ministries including Rainbow Bells, Junior Clocktower Ringers, Vacation Bible School, Children’s Church, and Youth Group. Events such as the Pumpkin Patch, Haunted House, Cookie Walk, and Light Up Night, as well as providing a safe space for AA groups, allow us to highlight our hospitality and love as a congregation to and with the local community. Leap of Faith and the Clocktower Ringers share their music ministry outside our church walls. Our generosity touches many lives through many ministries, including Operation Christmas Child, The Nyadire Connection, UMCOR, The Bridge, and various food ministries.

It is your support that enables us to provide beneficial ministries and spiritual events that lift up our congregation and provide motivation and joy when we need it the most. Will you consider giving to supporting our mission? Your support will go a long way and allow us to continue to invest in our church and community. The chart shows that we are behind on our budgeted congregational giving. Through September, actual giving is $17,319 less than budgeted to date. Can we turn this around by increasing our giving? Do we give from our first fruits or our leftovers? Let’s turn to God to guide us.

Thank you for your consideration and your past, current, and future donations. If you have any concerns or questions about donating or our budget, please contact Pastor Hannah, Jere Cowden, our Finance Chair, or me. If you would like to give online, you can do so at sewickleyumc.org/donate. In addition, you can stop by the church’s office, mail donations, or drop your donation in the collection plate during one of our services. Thank you for being part of the Sewickley United Methodist Church community.

Pam Honeychurch, Treasurer

Photo by Eric