Thank you for the outpouring of generosity during the Christmas season as we collected items and asked people to shop for children!

Gifts were purchased for 20 residents of The Bradley Center, a residential mental health treatment facility for children ages 6 to 21, located in Robinson Township. Plus, due to a generous financial donation, The Bradley Center was able to purchase gifts for children who arrived the week leading up to Christmas. No doubt, the children were delighted to have Christmas gifts selected just for them.

Gifts were also purchased for 15 children who attend The Learning Hub at The Bridge (formerly Bethany House) in Northview Heights. Kandice Kramer and Pam Honeychurch had the pleasure of delivering the gifts, along with “snack bags” generously filled with an assortment of goodies. Pam was present as the kids opened their gifts and reports that the kids love their gifts and thank you for your generosity. The Learning Hub also received a large assortment of socks, gloves, mittens, hats, and scarves to help keep the kids and their families warm.

Additionally, warm socks, gloves, scarves, and hats from the Mitten Tree, along with some winter coats, are helping those served by the Daily Bread feeding program on the North Shore.