This Sunday, the United Methodist Church celebrates Human Relations Day as a means of furthering the development of better human relations by involving congregations in community and youth outreach programs and social justice ministries in the US and throughout the world. Your contributions directly fund:

  • The Community Developers Program that supports traditionally Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American congregations

  • The Youth Offender Rehabilitation Program that focuses on youth empowerment programs that provide positive avenues for youth participation in their communities through the churches, mentoring programs, and boys/girls clubs

  • The United Methodist Voluntary Services Program that supports volunteers who build churches, assist in community health programs, advocate for social justice, build leadership skills, and help after disasters

  • The United Methodist Volunteers in Mission network that offers guidance, organization, and training for more than 125,000 volunteers each year

To give to this special offering, mark your gift “Human Relations”, use the “Special Sunday” envelopes available by the offering plates and in the back of the sanctuary, or select “Human Relations” through easyTithe.