If you are 11 years of age (or soon to be) or older, you are invited to come and learn about why church… why Jesus? How can you be a Christian while walking the halls of your school, sitting in science class, or playing your trombone? What value is there to faith when you’re just trying to get through middle/high school? Our time together will be a time of learning and a time of fun, with snacks of course! We will meet 6-8 pm every Wednesday beginning June 16th. At the end of 6 weeks, you will then be given the opportunity to make a commitment to living out your faith, while being cared for by the Sewickley United Methodist Church through Confirmation. We often times say our youth are the future, but the truth is, our youth are right now. We are here to help you faithfully make the most of right now! Contact Pastor Hannah to sign up or to learn more at pastor@sewickleyumc.org.