Church Union, a WPA UMC agency, works with public schools in the City of Pittsburgh and in Beaver County. Mentors go to the schools to work one-on-one with younger students struggling with their reading skills. Your donation of new or gently used children’s books will enable those students to have a book of their own. Studies have shown that owning books increases reading success—perhaps, you remember a favorite book that was read over and over? You soon “read” it on your own and were able to pick out similar words in a different book. That is the gift that SUMC hopes to give. A box for your donations is available in the Simpson Room. 

Don’t forget that you can earn FREE books with your purchase of certain Kellogg’s brand products through September 30th – give breakfast items to the food pantry, give books to the Reading Mentoring program. See separate announcement for details.

Photo by Ruth Hartnup