Hello friends,

Unprecedented circumstances suggest unprecedented prayer, so I am suggesting a mid-week sunset prayer from wherever you are, or whenever you find this note and feel moved. I am certain we have all been praying individually into the coronavirus challenge, but I am strengthened by the thought of our SUMC family also praying together. I was in a Bible study involving Ephesians 4, and we talked about “unity in the faith.” I believe that includes unity in prayer. I have also been carrying in my heart recently the Gospel story of the woman who was healed as she touched the cloak of Jesus. He knew what she needed instantly, without her speaking, but he turned and wanted to see her face, hear her voice. He knows what we need, but let's lift our faces, lift our voices, together.

I was going to write a prayer for us, but I like the idea of each of us sharing what we’ve been carrying in our hearts. We could pray for the ill, those administering to the ill, and those researching remedy. We could pray for those in leadership positions. We could pray for those who are anxious and afraid. We could pray for the college students whose lives have been impacted. We could pray for workplaces, travel, and businesses that have been impacted. We could pray for those who have family and friends in other places. We could pray for the elderly and those concerned for the elderly. We could pray for those worried about sending their children off to school. Please add your concerns to the list, and feel free to share them.

I have set my alarm for 7:20 p.m., so I will be reminded to pray each day at sunset. Please join me as often as you feel called.