The SUMC Education team would like to thank everyone who approved, enabled, encouraged, promoted, and visited our first drive-thru Live Nativity on the church campus in December. We were able to share the Christmas story—drawn from the books of Luke, Matthew and Isaiah—with at least 50 people, including many children and a few puppies, from the church family and the Sewickley community. We would like to applaud the young adults in the Fellowship of the Cross (Allison L., Paige L., Felicity, Eric, Genevieve, and Grace) and the McCombs family (Amie, Blair, David, Sean, and Owen) for their performances as the blessed family, angels, shepherds, and magi. We would also like to thank the Library Committee for contributing gifts for visitors and the Missions Committee for contributing to gift bags for the children. Together, we did our best to reflect the effort Luke’s shepherds made to “spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child.” And we feel certain that “all who heard it were amazed.”

We also would like to thank everyone in the church family for encouraging imagination and innovation throughout a challenging year, and we urge you to help us carry that innovative spirit into the new year.

SUMC Education Team