The Sewickley UMC will be collecting coloring books, crayons, and flowers in May.

The children will be leading our worship services on Mother’s Day (May 12) and will be collecting coloring books, activity books, puzzle books, and crayons for hospitalized children at Heritage Valley Sewickley and, depending on how many contributions we gather, other area hospitals as well. Anyone wishing to contribute can leave their donations in the Fellowship of the Cross collection boxes in the narthex and outside the church office throughout the month.

On May 19, the children will be planting flowers around the SUMC campus during the 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship services. Anyone wishing to contribute annuals can leave the flowers outside the church office beginning May 11.

The SUMC children’s church school year will end on May 19 and resume again in the fall.