Sewickley United Methodist Church

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Oh What A GOURD-GEOUS Time We Had!

To all who gave their energy to greet, sell, and love on those who came to the Pumpkin patch, THANK YOU! We heard from so many that they look forward to this long standing tradition. It is a sign of the beginning of fall and the beauty that comes with the changing of the seasons. Through the patch, we have greeted a couple new faces during worship, prayed for a family grieving over the death of a child, offered comfort to parents and children with special needs, raised funds to support the mission God has called us to, and many other wonderful tales of the way God is at work through us in the world!

From Diane Bartley:

Thank you to everyone who gave more than they anticipated to fill in the time slots I was not able to be there. While I was with my mom during her final days on this earth and then recovering from Covid, I was able to truly be present in those moments thanks to you! You mean the world to me.