Sewickley United Methodist Church

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SUMC Youth

All Sewickley SUMC youth, those who have been participating in youth group with Susie and Johnathan, and those who want to connect, are invited to an informal Zoom gathering at 1 p.m. Sunday to share and laugh and pray, and possibly play some games. Zoom is a free and easily managed app that can be downloaded to phones, laptops, and desktop computers. We’re asking each of the youth to be ready to share something that has lifted them during this time of self-distancing: a piece of scripture, a song lyric, crafting, cooking, walking… and to consider one hypothetical question: if self-distancing restrictions were miraculously lifted for one hour, and you were gifted with $20 that you had to spend, where would you go? If anyone wants to provide a song, or lead us in song, your initiative will be vigorously embraced.

For more information, or to receive a Zoom link, contact Bill Utterback ( or 412-913-6251).