Sewickley United Methodist Church

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Lenten Fines – Fish Farming 2020 Focus

Have you ever had to skip a meal? How does that make you feel? It’s hard to concentrate in school or at work when we are hungry. We may feel too tired to do our chores or even to play. Food insecurity is a term used to describe a situation in which people do not have access to enough food to live healthy, active lives. People who experience food insecurity must skip meals every day because there is too little food. In Zimbabwe, Africa, half of the population faces food insecurity.

To help combat hunger, our partners at the Nyadire Connection are constructing fish farming ponds! Pick up a Lenten Fines Calendar from the back of the sanctuary to read more about this project and to participate in the Lenten Fines collection. Read the daily information and contribute the suggested fine, returning your fines by Sunday April 19th.