Sewickley United Methodist Church

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T-Shirts Wanted

The formal launch to our SUMC 2019 Operation Christmas Child (OCC) shoe box campaign requires casual attire: T-shirts.

The Fellowship of the Cross youth want the shirts from the 10-Ks you ran, the VBS’s and day camps you served, the beaches you visited, the concerts you attended, and from the rarely visited depths of your drawers and closets. The FOTC youth have plans to scissor your unwanted T-shirts into strips of cloth that we can convert into jump ropes, head bands and drawstring tote bags to include as gifts in our shoe boxes this year. Slogans, logos and designs on the T-shirts are not a problem.

Throughout May, you can leave your contributions in the FOTC collection box in the narthex, or hand them to any member of the FOTC team.

Photo by Svante Adermark