Sewickley United Methodist Church

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World Communion Sunday – October 7 – Special Offering

On this worldwide day of unity, the offering benefits World Communion Scholarships, the Ethnic Scholarship Program, and the Ethnic In-Service Training Program.  

Bobby Pearce was an Olympic rower from Australia in the 1920s and 1930s. Going into the 1928 Olympics, there was a big rivalry going on between him and another renowned French rower Vincent Saurin. In the quarterfinal of the 2,000-meter race, Bobby and Vincent were going head to head; at the half-way point, Bobby was more than 30 seconds ahead. Suddenly, he heard the crowd frantically screaming and pointing at something in the water. He turned around to see a mama duck and her five ducklings crossing the lake.

Bobby had the choice to run them down or sit and wait, and kiss his Olympic medal dreams goodbye. He waited. Vincent made a different choice, going through the ducks to take the lead.

But the race wasn’t over. Ducks out of the way, Bobby went back to work. He not only caught up to Vincent, he won the race a full 30 seconds ahead of him. 

The story is so much more than a great sports triumph. It’s a story about a guy who was willing to sacrifice something he treasured in order to make sure someone (or, in this case, a family of ducks) was taken care of. He sacrificed something without ever knowing how it would turn out.

World Communion Sunday is a great day to remember this story. The Olympic Games are always a time of world unity, and that is one of the things we celebrate on World Communion Sunday. Bobby’s story reminds us that sacrificing something for someone who is often overlooked or “blown past” can lead to some incredible things — both for us and for those we help.

Today, a portion of every gift is given to graduate and undergraduate students who, like the ducks of our story, are often not cared for. These students are often overlooked or “blown past” by others. Won’t you join thousands of other congregations in giving generously this World Communion Sunday? Please give generously to this special offering, which often enables first-generation students to attend college. You may use the special envelope included in the bulletin on October 7th, or mark your gift “World Communion”.